NetworkNetwork: Guides

What Is HTTP3 and How Does It Improve Your Browsing Speed

what is http3

The world of networking is fast changing. Most of us were still admiring the rapid internet speeds of 4G and LTE, and then the 5G tech advancements got thrown in the mix.

Similarly, cybersecurity experts have only recently begun to dig into HTTP2. Yet, the web’s movers are already working on an update: HTTP3.

The technology promises improved performance and security, but only if we can overcome the numerous deployment challenges that lie ahead for what one expert describes as an evolutionary rather than revolutionary shift in web functions.

The networks have their own language, with a set of codes and protocols that are required for proper operation. Internet browsing performance is substantially improved by using the correct protocols and codes.

HTTP3 protocol happens to be one of them, but what exactly is HTTP3, and how can it help me boost my internet speed? In this article, you will find the answer.

What is HTTP3 Protocol?

HTTP is the Internet’s backbone; it governs how communication platforms and devices exchange data and retrieve resources. In a nutshell, it is what enables people to access different websites.

HTTP3 is a new standard under development that will change the way online browsers and servers communicate, providing significant improvements in terms of performance, dependability, and security for users.

Following the first hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) publication in 1991, following iterations improved website performance without requiring any changes to the underlying code.

HTTP3 protocol is now used to describe the semantics and syntax that the complete web, including servers, clients, and proxies, utilizes to communicate.

This new technology transfers data faster, is less prone to errors, and decreases network latency, allowing the site to load more quickly when you click the link.

There is no need for a separate HTTPS designation because HTTP3 contains built-in encryption. TLS 1.3 (Transport Layer Security) encryption is used. It is the same protocol that makes HTTPS possible.

What is Different About HTTP3?

Since the approval of HTTP2 in 2015, HTTP3 will be the first significant improvement to the hypertext transfer protocol.

The fact that HTTP3 uses QUIC, a new transport protocol, is a significant difference. QUIC is developed for those who use the Internet a lot on their phones and switch from one Network to another all the time as they go about their day.

When the initial Internet protocols were created, this was not the case: devices were less portable and switched networks less frequently.

Since QUIC is used, HTTP3 uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) rather than the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Switching to UDP will result in speedier connections and a better online browsing experience.

The QUIC protocol was created by Google in 2012 and was adopted by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a vendor-neutral standards organization, as part of the new HTTP3 standard development. The IETF has made several adjustments to their own version of QUIC after discussing with specialists all over the world.

What Are the Benefits of Using HTTP3?

The transition to QUIC goes a long way toward eliminating one of HTTP2’s most serious issues, specifically the head of line blocking. Because the parallel nature of HTTP2’s multiplexing is invisible to TCP’s loss recovery algorithms, a lost or reordered packet causes all ongoing transactions to halt, regardless of whether or not the lost packet impacted a particular transaction.

QUIC will aid in the correction of some of HTTP2’s most serious flaws:

  • Creating a workaround for a smartphone’s poor performance when switching from Wi-Fi to cellular data, such as leaving the house or office.
  • Reduce the impacts of packet loss: if one packet of data does not make it to its intended destination, it will no longer block all other streams of data, an issue known as head-of-line blocking.
  • QUIC allows TLS version negotiation to occur concurrently with cryptographic and transport handshakes, allowing for faster connection setup.
  • Zero round-trip time (0-RTT): Clients can skip the handshake requirement for servers they have previously connected to the process of acknowledging and verifying each other to determine how they will communicate.
  • QUIC’s new approach to handshakes will include encryption by default, which is a significant improvement over HTTP2 and will help decrease the danger of attacks.

Is HTTP3 Currently Available?

While the standard is still being worked on, website owners and visitors can begin to see HTTP3 support in a web browser, operating systems, and other applications. Of course, the standard, which has already undergone multiple implementations, is likely to undergo further revisions in the future.

The entire web will not move over to HTTP3 at the same time as it is released. Many websites are still not even using HTTP2.

One possible stumbling block for the new protocol is that it necessitates more CPU consumption on both the server and the client. As technology advances, this will most likely have less of an impact.

How Can http3 Be Used to Boost Internet Speed?

To understand how to use it, we must first understand which browsers support or enable HTTP3. The Google Chrome browser is the first to implement the HTTP3 protocol on its system in this situation.

We may see significant improvements in the speed of entry and loading of compatible websites as a result of this. This increase in speed leads to a reduction in latency.

That is, if we had a latency of 300 milliseconds to load a website before using HTTP3, we could now have a latency as low as 100 milliseconds after using HTTP3.

To use it, we must first install Google Chrome Canary and then build a desktop shortcut. After that, right-click the shortcut and copy the following to the path’s bottom: –Enable-quic –quic-version = h3-23

To ensure that it’s working, go to the website and, if all goes well, a message will show. If you don’t succeed, you can try the following:

Enter, press the F12 key, then select Network from the drop-down menu. Right-click where the columns are to enable all available protocols. You can tell which ones are loaded by QUIC this way.

Using the HTTP3 protocol, you can boost the speed of your Internet if you follow these procedures.


Cloudflare is presently offering its clients the option to use HTTP 3 (there is a waitlist). Their users will be able to employ these enhancements to speed up their websites. Google and Facebook have been using this technology for quite some time.

Like many other Internet users, you may not be interested in how your Internet connection becomes fast as long as it gets there. HTTP3 protocol will not guarantee a lightning-fast, instant-access experience. Still, it will improve your Internet experience as more browsers and websites adopt it.

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