LaptopsLaptops: Guides

How Long Does a Laptop Usually Last?

Since you are reading this article, it’s highly probable that you’re a laptop owner. And as any laptop owner knows, how long does a laptop last is one of the questions that hunt us all.Since you are reading this article, it’s highly probable that you’re a laptop owner. And as any laptop owner knows, how long does a laptop last is one of the questions that hunt us all. Kidding aside, laptops are inherently more fragile than desktops, and one of the reasons is that we tend to carry

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LaptopsLaptops: Guides

Laptop Fan Making Noise: What to do?

This article will delve into why a laptop fan making noise might be worrisome or might not be something to worry about. In either case, do not panic. Regardless of whether you have a budget laptop or a shiny new top of the line Alienware, this can happen to you.

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